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Dinner’s served!


Good nutrition is super important for our garden birds! It gives them the energy boost and nutrients they need to flutter and whistle. With delicious bird food like seeds, nuts and fat balls, we make their bellies happy and their feathers beautiful. Not to mention, it brings a happy buzz to our gardens.

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What’s on the menu ?



Ready-made mixes that give your winged friends all the nutrients they need:


  • 4 Seasons mix: As the name suggests, you can give this mix all year round.

  • Energy mix: Especially suitable for when it gets colder, autumn and winter, but also in spring when the birds need to feed their young.

  • Insect & Fruit mix: This mix leans closest to the natural diet of garden birds. Packed with vitamins, protein, nuts and fruit.

  • Pure cuisine mix: The seeds, grains, have been stripped of their sheaths preventing them from germinating if they fall into your garden.

  • Sunflower mix: The unhulled sunflower seeds are energy-rich for the birds and economical for you.

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Mealworms, shelled sunflower seeds & peanuts

These 3 classics are indispensable in any garden:


  • Mealworms are rich in protein, easily digestible, attractive to many different birds and a pleasant variation in their diet.

  • Shelled sunflower seeds are rich in healthy fats, easy to eat because already shelled and popular with many species of garden birds.

  • Peeled peanuts are highly nutritious as they contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in addition to fats and proteins. Because peanuts are already shelled, they are accessible to birds with different beaks.

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Dinner's served

Feeding silos


Feeding silos are the classics when it comes to feeding garden birds. You can find them in all possible shapes and colours but, unfortunately, because of this they are not always suitable for our flying acrobats. Always go for high-quality, sturdy silos. These will not only last longer, but will also ensure that the garden birds can fill their bellies in complete safety. Moreover, these silos are also easier to maintain, easy right?

Feeding silos with protective cage.


​Feeding silos with protective cages ensure that smaller birds can enjoy their meal in peace without worrying about the big wolverines taking flight with all those goodies.