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Straat met planten en bomen
It's a fairy tale,
until you turn it into reality.
It's a fairy tale,
until you turn it into reality.​
Abstracte achtergrond
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Emma wants to turn gardens back into a real home for animals, helping to build the largest national park in the world.​

Schema biodiversiteit in de tuin

Neighbour Yassine, like Anna, wanted more liveliness in their garden and also started Emma's Garden. Their garden is now a happy place too.

Schema biodiversiteit in de tuin

Anna enjoys her enchanted garden immensely and took inspiration from Emma's Garden for this. The biodiversity in her garden shines like a colourful feast!

Lars too has a green paradise. Like Anna, he was inspired by Emma's Garden. His garden is like a living painting: colourful, full of life and very diverse.

Landschap me bloemen, weiden en bomen

Before you know it, all these tiny green vibrant bits of nature will combine to become a huge natural reserve!

Don't have a garden? Don't let that stop you. A piece of nature comes in many sizes: Large wild gardens, balconies, terraces, half sports courts, milled lawns, front gardens and row house beds.

Deel van
Getextureerde Achtergrond

We do not live detached from nature, but are an integral part of it. By collectively caring about small life, we set something very big in motion.

Vrouw wandelt in veld
A special place brings joy…
Bladeren schaduw

Increasing biodiversity can be done in many ways. We like to start with what we know best:

Vogel in tuin met kokosnoot

Birds !

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Oops, we laid an egg here

Fluffy houses


Oops, we laid an egg here



Oops, we laid an egg here


Biodiverse tuin met veel planten

Want to know more about the wonderful world of biodiversity?

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